..::[Archives of A.J d'Arc - Da Fourth Place]::..

Friday, May 28, 2004

IT's FrIdAy...//borne stepping feet here//in SCHOOL?!?!?!?!

one reason to add: get online for a full day!!!
OK, say that again, respecting life regarding school works and so...well, has been happening since last year. Though it's irritating as ever, but w.c.y.d?? Instead of blubbering [useless], why don't u go to school?

After all, staying in school today's not a bad one. It's rather amusing i must say [few students here//easier to find a pc]. Hey, where else can u get OL without anyone interfering [u mean, w/o childish n annoying noises, stupid jokes etc?hmmm]?
Hahahah, a bit tempted, rn't u now?
wtf, don't care about it!!

OK OK, let's see [sleepy]:
Yesterday called ENECO for the fifth times til my beltegoed got sucked enough [10 cent per minuut? nope, it's 4 euro p.m!!!!] n waited for anyone from that company to come over.
Other evently event? niet zo belangrijk!!

Today, just wanna pleasure my eyes::heh?!?!?!what do u mean?!?!?!?!::
It concerns to two things::Tolkien's und The Third Place!!!! YeaH, u BET!!!

--2nd JUNE 2004, 9am--
--am i right, guys?!--

hmmmm, wanna fill up my stomie, BANAAAAAAAAAANTJE!!!!!!

1 KOmEn??

Blogger Unknown said...

huhuh ajehhh.... aku akhirnya tidur juga setelah dimerem2in n dipaksa2in. (lag ga maen ps dulu niii..). Eh eh abis beli pisang diskonan c1000 ya? 69 cen perkilo? kmaren ge udh beli 2,5 kilo n abis dalam 2 hari *LOL.. oh ya, jelas aja ge bisa nebak foto loe, ga prcuma tu foto ge plototin slama 10 jam *LOL (j/k)

11:20 pm


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