..::[Archives of A.J d'Arc - Da Fourth Place]::..

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


belom makan dr pagi, kosonk perut. untung gak ada kelas [deadline doank] jadi gak perlu was-was [kalo perut bunyi pas pelajaran kan bisa bikin mumer!!]
wah!deadline PRLmu gimana??klaar?? rebezz deh! mudah2an aja gak fail...:(
nongkrong di depan kompu di D1, yokko minta printin kerjaannya dia, anggee n nezzie juga, ya sudah [berhubung saya yg kebetulan di skul...], kan masih ada credit.

:::kok bahasanya jd kayak diary indo kampuang seh?:::

Just checked on the schedule for the second time [after getting a phone call from Nancy --meeting on MONDAY, two days before the FINAL DEADLINE, hiiiiy mepet!!], planned on shopping in Oriental [but cancelled lately], n had a lunch [beefburger again, + kipcorn + green tea ??[not sure about it].

hmmmm...sleepy...look, it's raining out there. nice weather, really...yeah...bfffff...

[actually, the minutes is supposedly longer than this, but the weather now is really giving my eyes shut...so, wtf]
